"Blessed are You, O Christ our God, who has revealed the fishermen as most wise, by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit. Through them You have drawn the world into your net. O lover of Man, glory to You!"

Romanian Festival

organized by Descent of the Holy Spirit Romanian Orthodox Church
1323 Ashbourne Rd, Elkins Park, PA 19027-2678

Saturday, September 22, 12pm - 11pm
Sunday, September 23, 12pm - 5pm

Please come and enjoy everything romanian. We will have:

  • Romanian Music
  • Great food and shopping
  • A chess competition
  • Bounce house and face painting for the children
  • A health screening station
  • Tours of the church and museum

Dance and Dinner , Saturday evening 7-11pm, in the great hall.
Admission $25 adults, $15 teens 13 & up, free under 13.
The price includes a dinner plate.
Please make reservation by calling Rita Stanca at (215) 834-1830

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  • Rezolutia ecranului - 1024 x 768 sau mai mare.
  • Browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 sau mai nou.
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